
Circuit de Pau
ASAC Basco
Palais D'Aragon
Bd D'Aragon
Pau F-64

Tel: +59270194/59273189     Fax: +59276169

Track Length: 1.715 miles

The 1901 GP de Pau is the first race to have had the title Grand Prix. The French GP was held on a 9.86 mile (15.875 km) track outside the town in 1930, but in 1933, during February snow, a race was held inside the city. Except for the second World War and 1956, racing has been held here uninterrupted, and without any track alterations.

In 2003, plans were unvailed to extend the track further (see below). The aim was to enlarge the track so that larger series such as Champ Cars could be attracted.