
1.7 mile/2.67 km track used in the 1950s. It was preceded by the Prado circuit, the 1946 variant of which is shown below.

Between 1946 and 1952 the track varied several times. These are discussed below:
1946 Prado, av. de La plage; roughly of T form head on the beach (2.73 miles)
1947 Prado, av. de la Plage; with a much longer section alongside the beach
1949 Parc Borely, around the race track and the Garden
1950 Parc Borely, much faster with a slow turn removed (see below)
1951/52 Parc Borely, the slow corner is back, but taken on the return part of the lap. In 1952 that corner was banked (surlévé)