Most - Street Circuits

Before the autodrome opened in 1983, a variety of street circuits were used for races.

The 2.505 km Zahrazan circuit went around a brewery in the old town, and was used for motorcycle races in 1947.

A 2km circuit in the old town was then used for motorcycle races, but today the circuit no longer exists, with the top half of the circuit now in a lake which formed in what is now a disused open cast coal mine.

A 5 km part-paved part-cobbled circuit used from 1952-1953 for motorcycle and car races. In the 1970s the village of Kopisty was demolished due to the expansion of coal mining, and much of the circuit no longer exists.

A 3 km road circuit based around the Rudolice-Chanov road was then used for motorcycle races, and this was used through until at least 1962.

A 3.5 km circuit based around a new housing estate was opened in 1964, and was used through to 1967. It held both motorcycle and car races.

A 2.8 km used for car races used once in 1970.

This 4.560 km circuit near the train station was used from 1970-1973 for car races. It was extended to 4.884 km in 1974-1975.

Sibenik Park was once for motorcycle races on the 6th June 1976, and the circuit shared part of its route with the 1970-1973 car circuit. Noise problems meant that it was not repeated.

A 3.450 km circuit based on the expressway used for the 1970-1973 cicuit, this was used from 1976-1982 for car races, and from 1979 held Interserie races. Races stopped once the autodrom opened.