Menditéguy, Carlos (RA)

b 10/8/1915 (Buenos Aires) - d 28/4/1973

1953 - retired Argentine GP (Gordini)
1954 - DNS Argentine GP (Onofre Morimon - Maserati). engine in practice
1955 - 2 F1 GP (Maserati), 2 points. (5th Italian GP)
1956 - retired Argentine GP (Maserati). 4th non-title Mendoza GP, won
       Buenos Aires 1000km (Maserati) with S.Moss
1957 - 4 F1 GP (Maserati), 4 points, J13th. (3rd Argentina)
1958 - 7th Argentine GP (Scuderia Sud Americana - Maserati). shared 3rd
       in non-title Buenos Aires City GP with Godia
1960 - 4th Argentine GP (Scuderia Centro Sud - Cooper-Maserati), 3 pts, J19